About Us

GreenWin is the Walloon innovation cluster that is dedicated to collaborative innovation projects in the three areas of green chemistry, innovative building materials and processes, and the environment. It is therefore the Cleantech Innovation Cluster in and for Wallonia.

In a world where resources and their access are, by nature, limited, the GreenWin innovation cluster was set up in 2011 with the aim of contributing, through industrial innovation, to the most crucial societal needs and issues of this century:

>  making the most of limited resources by reducing energy-related and environmental impacts as much as possible, whilst at the same time maintaining the economic value of products;
>  moving towards circular practices ;
>  finding concrete solutions to the economic and environmental challenges that our region, and also our planet, face ;
>  creating the conditions for a development that is balanced, sustainable and responsible, in a context that is in constant evolution, if not effervescence ;
>  transforming threats into opportunities ;
>  adapting our industrial model so that it can develop in an environment that is in complete (r)evolution, namely :

    • a transition towards a low carbon economy, a path strewn with pitfalls and unknowns
    • an evolution towards circular practices, allowing the economic value of products and resources to be maintained over time while minimising the production of waste (notably through ecodesign)
    • a digital transition, a delay in the adoption of which can expose industries to significant loss of competitiveness

> taking into account global warming, which requires changes in behaviour as well as in  approaches to production and consumption…

GreenWin has firmly given itself the mission to « engineer encounters that open up the innovative paths of the future »: It is an accelerator of innovative and collaborative industrial projects.  

It gathers together different protagonists from the worlds of economics and academia in order to bring about, and implement, the technological innovations able to generate regional economic development.

to generate regional economic development.

GreenWin’s raison d’etre is to contribute to the development of a prosperous, sustainable, and responsible industry in Wallonia.

Towards a successful and sustainable industrial and economic transition in Wallonia 

By virtue of its very raison d’être, GreenWin contributes to boosting employment prospects and safeguarding and creating new direct and indirect jobs within the three sectors with which it is concerned.

It provides access to funding, to advice, and to a network of partners, allowing for the development and implementation of industrial projects that are innovative and collaborative.

It also constitutes a network that encourages the valorisation of innovations that are created within the framework of the cluster’s projects

It provides access to a number of major players (companies, universities, « hautes écoles », research centres…) who share the same common denominator: the resolve to innovate and contribute to the management and proactive support of their own economic, environmental and societal developments, in a sustainable and responsible manner, in Wallonia

In addition, the cluster also facilitates a number of unlikely meetings, invariably enriched by the compatibility of the partners and participants that are brought together.

A transition that is both sustainable AND responsible

Life cycle analysis, the analysis of climate risk, the circular economy, carbon neutrality and digital transition all lie at the very heart of the projects that GreenWin supports in the three relevant sectors in which it is active, namely

> chemistry
> construction
> the environment.

Our Handbook’s purpose is  to very concretely highlight the large potential offered by the projects supported by GreenWin and by its near 200 Members.

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